
How to Ensure a Smooth Move

Visit MilitaryOneSource for information on your gaining installation and surrounding communities. The site also provides information about the programs, services, and maps for military installations worldwide. You can also subscribe to their newsletters. You will also have access to a variety of information, including:

PlanMyMove, which gives you customized moving tools, such as timelines, calendars and checklists.

Both MilitaryOneSource and PlanMyMove connect you to reliable sources of information about programs and services outside the gate.

Children With Special Needs

Your child should be enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) if he/she has special needs, such as medical or school needs. EFMP Liaison Office can be reached at 760-339-2442.

*This is a mandatory program for any family member who has special medical, educational, developmental, and/or emotional need or concern.

State of California Resources

Visit the California Department of Education website: You will have access to a wide variety of information, including the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Common Core State Standards, UC/CSU Entrance Requirements, Specialized Programs and much more. There is also information on pending legislation in education, and education-related publications such as School Accountability Report Cards which are the best resource to obtain test scores and other data on each school in the state of California. Information on the Interstate Compact for Military Children is available on legislation that outlines ways that districts can work with military families to ease the challenges of transition and level the playing field (

NAF El Centro Resources

If you are looking for information on schools in El Centro, you can begin by going to the Imperial County Office of Education website.If you are planning to live in one of the Lincoln Military Housing sites, you will find updated school boundary information for each housing area on the Lincoln Housing website.Homeschool families can contact any of our School Liaisons for resources and support in your local areas. Go to homeschool page on California Department of Education for specific state level requirements.If you are transferring overseas, visit the DODEA homepage.

  • Military Child Education Coalition
  • School Accountability Report Cards
  • Homeschool
  • Military Family Megasite
  • Personal Property

Organizations Devoted to the Military Family

Department of Defense (DoDEA)

My Navy Portal

Military Interstate Compact for Military Children

Anchored for Life

Military Installations School Liaison Directory for U.S. Military Families, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, is a free program that allows eligible college and grades K-12 students in U.S. military families to connect to a live tutor online at any time for one-to-one help with homework, studying, test prep, proofreading and more. The service is available at no charge to all grades K-12 students and service members-regardless of whether the service member is serving full-time or part-time-plus some adult dependents on active duty.

Military Child Education Coalition

National Parent Teacher Association: An organization dedicated to making a difference in the education, health, and safety of America’s children and youth.

Home Schooling Legal Defense Association

Federal Student Aid

Fleet and Family Support Center

School Quest

Operation Homefront

National Military Family Association


Special Needs Resources Instantly locate proven strategies, helpful tools, special education law, federal statutes/regulations and more - with the online solution thousands of your colleagues already rely on. Username: navysand; password: navystaff

TASK: Team of Advocates for Special Kids is a nonprofit charitable organization whose mission is to enable individuals with disabilities to reach their maximum potential by providing them, their families and the professionals who serve them with training, support, information, resources and referrals, and by providing community awareness programs.

DirectSTEP® eCourses explain legal requirements and best practices for behavior management, autism, IDEA eligibility, IEPs and more. They also teach parents and educators how to handle critical education issues to obtain positive outcomes while applying education laws to the day-to-day world of teaching and learning. These eCourses are available for use by all Sailors, parents, Military/DoD personnel assigned to Navy installations and K-12 educators serving military children. Go to and self-register for eCourses. The following documents are available for download: Get Started with Direct Step | Direct Step Courses

Additional Resource

The Education Trust: Promotes high academic achievement for all students at all levels—pre-kindergarten through college.

Guide to Online Schools: From K-12 to college, explore online learning modes, hear from experts, and read how Khan Academy and other free resources help students get ahead. Provides overview of joining the military- resources for parents and educators.

Post Secondary Support Offers students free grade, activities and test score specific profiles and information on hundreds of colleges. Provides student financial assistance resources. VA website for Post 9/11 GI Bill, transferability and Yellow Ribbon. Find schools and ways to pay on FastWEB. The smart student guide to financial aid. Military Academy Links for West Point , Navy, AF, CG, Merchant Marine. ROTC links for Army, Navy and Air Force. Military scholarship search. DECA scholarships for military children. Fleet Reserve Association. American Military Retirees Association. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Anchor Scholarships Foundation. College board scholarship search College Net Scholarship database. National Merit Scholarships. Peterson’s Undergraduate Scholarship Search. Princeton Review Scholarships and Aid.